The M.J. Petretto Foundation
In 2009, M.J. Petretto established the M.J. Petretto Foundation Inc, a not-for-profit 501(c) (3) organization primarily supported by donations. Its mission is to help fund local organizations that support education, health and quality of life to build stronger Connecticut communities.
Inspiring MJ's dream to create a permanent source of community funding was the near fatal auto accident that left her nephew Jesse unsure he would ever walk again. Thanks to family, friends and intensive rehabilitation received from Gaylord Specialty Healthcare in Wallingford, Connecticut, Jesse is walking again and helping to raise community awareness about the needs of spinal cord injury patients. Each year our gift will assure the continuing excellence of their special program.
We are proud to announce that again this year the tournament will benefit Parkinson's disease organizations that provide support and programs for patients. This donation is inspired by Linda Remington's father Ray Przygocki, who lived with Parkinson's. It is the support and education from local programs such as VNA Community Healthcare's Parkinson's exercise classes and caregiver support group, and the Connecticut Parkinson's Working Group (CPWG) that helps individuals cope with PD with grace, persistence and a touch of humor. There is hope a time will come very soon when there will be a cure for Parkinson's disease and other neurodegenerative diseases.
Also, this year we are proud to announce the tournament will benefit the Shoreline Arts Alliance located in Guilford, Connecticut as well as the Guilford A Better Chance – ABC House.
The M.J. Petretto Foundation is proud to have raised $110,000 in donations for the charities we support.